
Project Planning


Cooperation Plan

Every person on your team is an asset. This is your chance to discover the hidden strengths and areas for growth for each team member.

Ian -

Jaren -

Misti -

Yvette -

Conflict Plan

Your team should agree on a process for handing disagreements, should they arise. It is better to have a plan in place ahead of time so you can all refer back to it when necessary.

If/when conflicts arise, we will be direct and mindful in communicating with each other. If we are not able to figure it out amongst ourselves, we will involve help from Keith, Craig and/or Stacey.

Communication Plan

Before beginning to tackle the project, determine how your group will communicate with each other. This is not an individual effort. Make sure everyone feels comfortable with the identified methods of speaking up.

Ian -

In person every day 9a - 5p; with flexible outside hours as needed.

Yvette -

Online for normal lecture time and then in person for normal lab time. Online afterwards. Updated 12/06/2021 - I will be in from about 9:15/9:30am to 4:30/5:00pm and then working from home after that

Jaren -

In person every day from around 9:15 - 5pm during project week.

Misti -

In person every day as much as possible during project week.

Work Plan

Explain your work plan to track whether everyone is contributing equally to all parts of the project, and that each person is working on “meaty” problems. This should prevent “lone wolf” efforts and “siloed” efforts.

Git Process

Plan out what your team’s Git workflow looks like for coding tasks.

What components of your project will live on GitHub?

Backend Repo(s).

How will you share the repository with your teammates?

Added to organization

What is your Git flow?

One reviewer, Work on branches, and stop to pull when notified.

Will you be using a PR review workflow?


How many people must review a PR?


Who merges PRs?

Will determine/communicate as we ask for PR.

How often will you merge?

As needed, before lunch & end of day. When we successfully complete a feature/task.