
Midterm Project * Week 5


Welcome to your midterm project!

Your midterm project will require your team to build out a backend service with either no UI (an API) or a minimal UI (CLI App) with the following requirements


  1. Teach Yourself Something New!
  2. Written in C#
  3. MVC architecture with Controllers and Models
    • Utilize dependency Injection on all controllers
    • Follow the Repositroy Design Pattern with Interfaces and Services
  4. Clearly commented code
    • Clearly document your code
    • What does this code do?
    • Why do you have it?
    • Where is the request being sent?
    • What is the request expected response?
    • Use Summary Comments!
  5. Database
    • SQL Server Database
    • At least 2 tables
    • Digital DB Schema (should be present in your Readme)
      • No Whiteboard images allowed.
    • Associations clearly defined
  6. Identity
    • Authentication/Authorization
    • at least 2 different roles for users
    • Permission based routes for anonymous users and authenticated users
  7. Documentation
    • Swagger
  8. Testing:
    • Unit Tests
      • XUnit
      • Getters/Setters
      • API Endpoints (for API Team)
      • CRUD operations
  9. You may optionally utilize other 3rd party apis to enhance functionality on your app.

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